
الثلاثاء، 7 ديسمبر 2010

ضمائر المفعول به وضمائر الملكية

الدرس الثاني ضمائر المفعول به وضمائر الملكية : Object / Possessive PronounsSubject pronouns ضمائر الفاعل I You We They He She It ----------------------------------------------------------Object pronouns ضمائر المفعول بهmeyouusthemhimherit----------------------------------------------------------possessive pronouns 1 ضمائر الملكية myyourourtheir hisherits----------------------------------------------------------possessive pronouns 2 ضمائر الملكية 2 mine yours ours theirs his hers its ----------------------------------------------------------في حالة استخدام ضمير الملكية 1 يجب أن يتبع الضمير باسم.في حالة استخدام ضمير الملكية 2 لا يحتاج الضمير الى أن يتبعه اسم.I I play foot ball. Ali gave me a book. This is my pen. That bag is mine. ------------------------------------------ He He is an engineer. His friend sent him a letter. That is his ruler. This dictionary is his. This dictionary is Ali's. ------------------------------------------ You You are a student . The teacher gave you a pen. This is pen your pen. This pen is yours. ------------------------------------------ We We are friends. The teacher gave us homework. This is our car. That house is ours.------------------------------------------ She She is a nurse. I gave her a book. That is her book. That book is hers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------ثالثاThird Person Singular ضمائر الشخص الثالث الدرس الثالث(He, She, It)إلى الفعل المضارع s علينا أن نضيف He, She, It إذا كان الفاعل في الجملة Add (-s) to the verb He likes English. John likes English. She works hard. Anna works hard. It plays with the ball. The cat plays with the ball

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