
الجمعة، 3 يونيو 2011

King Lear .. Shakespeare

King Lear

Lear is the king of Britain . When he is old , he decides to give his country to his three daughters , Goneril , Regan and Cordelia .

Goneril and Regan

But before he does this , he asks them to tell him how much they love him . Two of the daughters , Goneril and Regan , say they love him much more than they really do . The third daughter , Cordelia does not say very much . She does not how to describe her love for her father . Lead is angry with Cordelia , and gives all his money and land to Goneril and Regan .

Cordelia is sent away and goes to live in France . where she marries the king . Old Lear soon discovers that he has made a terrible mistake . It is soon obvious to him that Goneril and Regan said that they love him only so that they could have his money and his country . The truth is that they don't love their father at all . Lear wanders around the country with his last two good friends until they arrive in Dover .

In France , Cordelia hears what has happened to her father . She comes to England with soldiers to try to save him and take his country back from her two sisters . English soldiers arrive in Dover and beat the french .

Cordelia and Lear

Cordelia and Lear are captured and taken to prison .
Here , Cordelia Tell her father how much she love him ღ

authorship : William Shakespeare

The story goes on ..
Excuse me, were not on time ..

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. Good luck to all the exam and return to us in later ..

  2. Muhanad , wonderful choice .. we do sometimes many mistakes but the important thing is how to correct them ... may Allah bless you , Muhanad
