الثلاثاء، 4 يناير 2011

قصه عن النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ..

The Prophet Mohammed was born sometime between 570-571 A.D. Mohammed was born to the Quraish tribe. His father Abdulla died before he was born and his mother died sometime around when he was five years old. Mohammed was adopted by his uncle, Abu Talib, and it was on a trade journey to Syria that Mohammed came into contact with Christianity.

 His uncle arranged a marriage for Mohammed when he was 25 with Khadija a wealthy widow who was 10-15 years older than Mohammed. Mohammed was a contemplative individual and liked to spend his free time in isolation pondering the world in a cave called Hira outside of Mecca. It was while sitting in this cave that Mohammed began his life as a prophet at the age of forty. While sitting in Hira, Mohammed was visited by an angel who taught him a verse and made him recite back the verse. He met with this angel a few more times, he recited more versus praising Allah, God, and was told by the angel to spread this message. Mohammed told Khadija his wife about these meetings and she believed that he was a messenger of Allah and was the first to believe in Islam. Mohammed’s friend Abubakr, his cousin Ali, and Mohammed's slave Zaid also believed in what Mohammed was saying and became followers of Islam. Mohammed grew bolder in spreading his message and spoke from the mount of Safa to the people of Mecca proclaiming that they should give up their old gods for Allah and to follow the ways of Islam. Over the next ten years Mohammed would preach whenever he could in Mecca. Mohammed’s message began to wear on the nerves of the Quarish citizens of Mecca who were polytheists and rejected Mohammed's idea of monotheism. They began to insult and ridicule Mohammed and his message, his uncle Abu Lahab would lead these assaults and claimed that Mohammed was crazy. After the death of his uncle Abu Talib and his wife Khadija the assaults against Mohammed grew worse. He left Mecca and went to the city of Taif to spread the message of Allah. He was only in Taif for a short time before he was forced to leave for preaching about Allah and had to return to Mecca. When he returned to Mecca, he was again subject to assault and things grew worse. Although many people heard Mohammed’s message and rejected his ideas Mohammed did gain a few converts in Mecca. Mohammed’s message upset many and the persecution of the followers of Islam was so bad that some of his followers had to leave their homes and go to Habsha seeking the protection of the Christian king Negus. More and more of Mohammed’s followers were leaving Mecca for Habsha to escape persecution. But not all who listened to Mohammed’s message ridiculed him. In 620 A.D., he was able to win converts among the tribe of Yathrib, (Madina) and converted many of the Yathrib tribe to Islam. The Yathrib had heard of Mohammed’s reputation as a man of wisdom and hoped that he could help settle disputes in Madina, between themselves, some local Jews, and other groups of people. Mohammed converted so many members of the Yathrib tribe to Islam that he was able to form an alliance pact with the Yathrib who promised him protection if he were to come to live with them in Madina. Following his pact with the Yathrib tribe all the followers of Islam save three left Mecca for Madina. The Mohammed’s followers had left Mecca to escape the ridicule and oppression that was carried out against them by the non-believers. Only Mohammed, his cousin Ali, and Mohammed’s friend Abu Bakr stayed behind in Mecca. Mohammed and Abu Bakr would leave Mecca after finding out about a Qurish conspiracy to kill Mohamed. With most of Mohammed’s followers gone, Qurish tribal leaders who harbored resentment against Mohammed decided to assassinate him. Their plan was to murder Mohammed in his home at night but Mohammed found out about the plot and left Mecca before they could carry out their plans. Abu Bakr and Mohammed were able to escape Mecca and were able to flee to Madina and were they fell under the protection of the Yathrib tribe. In Madina Mohammed was no longer persecuted but was respected by the people and rose to a high position of power solving disputes between the various locales. As an arbitrator Mohammed was widely respected by the people of Madina, he also began to work on his message at this time. He had in Mecca set the codes of conduct to live by, in Madina he worked on what relations between followers of Islam should be with one another and with non-believers. It was also in Madina that Mohammed made Islam more Arabian. Mohammed believed that some Jews who lived in Madina were conspiring against him with the Qurish tribe of Mecca, those who had forced him to leave his home. Mohammed also had problems with the Hypocrites, Medinese Arabs who falsely proclaimed faith in Islam and allied themselves with the Jews who opposed Mohammed. Trouble began between Mohammed, the Hypocrites and the Jews when some of Mohammed’s people attacked a caravan during a time period that was traditionally observed as being a time of peace. The Hypocrites were upset that Mohammed did not observe this traditional cease-fire and Mohammed was upset with them for being angry at his people who did the raid out of necessity for survival. Later Mohammed plotted to attack another caravan just outside of Mecca. The Quarish tribe learned of this attack and led a large number of attackers against Mohammed’s few raiders. The battle between Mohammed’s small force and the Quarish tribe’s overwhelming force is known as the Battle of Badr. Mohammed’s victory over the Quarish was seen as further proof that Mohammed was a prophet of God. The Quarish would attack Madina a year later and would defeat Mohammed’s forces and wound Mohammed, but withdrew before sacking the city. The Quarish would attack Madina once more in the following year but this attack would fail because Mohammed had a large trench around the city dug and the attackers had to give up the attack after their supplies ran out. This battle was known as the Battle of the Trench.After the Battle of the Trench Mohammed expelled most of the Jewish tribes from the city of Madina and Mohammed had all six to eight hundred members of the Qurayza tribe beheaded. Mohammed was no longer going to be on the defensive he was going to go on the offensive. Mohammed organized a large force and was going to march on Mecca, when the Quarish tribe sent out a representative to negotiate a peace with Mohammed. The Quarish tribe was able to negotiate a peace settlement with Mohammed they would no longer persecute followers of Islam and Mohammed would agree not to march on Mecca. The peace settlement was reached in 628, and was known as the Treaty of Hudaibiya. A year later Mohammed assembled again assembled a large force and marched into Mecca, Abu Sufyan the head of the Quarish tribe quickly became a muslim and so did a large number of the Quarish tribe if they wished to survive with Mohammed now in charge. Mohammed also took all the idols out of the Kaba and destroyed them, making Islam the only recognized religion in Mecca. Mohammed who was an outcast of his own people returned as a prophet of God and died in Medina on June 8, 632. Mohammed’s close friend Abu Bakr, took over the position as arbitrator that Mohammed had left when he passed away. Abu Bakr declared Mohammed the last prophet of Allah and made it clear that any Muslim tribes that broke away to follow any one else

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